Areas of Distinction

Emergency Medicine residency training goes beyond taking excellent care of individual patients. It is also about mentorship in innovation, leadership and research.

We have instituted the concept of Areas of Distinction (AOD) for our EM residents to help you develop a specific area of expertise. At the end of your internship year, residents rank their AOD choices. Based on your academic niche selection, faculty members are paired with residents for more directed, one-on-one mentorship. The AOD structure provides longitudinal mentorship and a personalized curriculum. During the R2 year, residents develop AOD scholarly projects, establish a mentorship team, and apply for IRB approval (if indicated). Residents will conduct the majority of their AOD scholarly projects during their R3 and R4 years. At the end of the R4 year, EM residents present their AOD scholarly projects at the Annual Resident Research Day.

The AOD program targets leadership, expertise, and vision and is an added benefit of our four-year residency program.

AOD options include the following (click to view scholarly projects by resident and year of graduation with PubMed or MedEdPortal links where appropriate):