BMC medical education

The unmet demand for point-of-care ultrasound among general pediatricians: a cross-sectional survey.

BMC medical education

McGinness A, Lin-Martore M, Addo N, Shaahinfar A

Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on medical students: a multicenter quantitative study.

BMC medical education

Harries AJ, Lee C, Jones L, Rodriguez RM, Davis JA, Boysen-Osborn M, Kashima KJ, Krane NK, Rae G, Kman N, Langsfeld JM, Juarez M

Does mentoring new peer reviewers improve review quality? A randomized trial.

BMC medical education

Houry D, Green S, Callaham M

Does mentoring new peer reviewers improve review quality? A randomized trial.

BMC medical education

Houry D, Green S, Callaham M