Dr. David Jaffe was appointed as first chief of the Division of Pediatric EmergencyMedicine (PEM) at UCSF effective February 16th, 2015. Dr. Jaffe will also serve as thedepartment’s vice chair for Pediatric Emergency Medicine.
Dr. Jaffe is currently the Dana Brown Professor of Pediatrics and director of the Divisionof Emergency Medicine at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and St. LouisChildren’s Hospital. Dr. Jaffe was a founding member of both multi-institutional researchnetworks in PEM, the Pediatric Emergency Medicine Collaborative Research Consortium(PEMCRC) and the federally funded Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network(PECARN). His research interests include diagnosis and management of the febrile child,children with head and neck injuries, and management of procedure-associated pain andanxiety. He has co-authored 69 original manuscripts and 115 abstracts. Dr. Jaffe is anAssociate Editor of Annals of Emergency Medicine and a member of the Editorial Board ofPediatric Emergency Care. He is past chair of the Section on Emergency Medicine of theAmerican Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and past president of the Academic PediatricAssociation. He has held significant leadership roles on the American Board of Pediatrics,Pediatric Emergency Medicine Sub-board, Pediatric Residency Review Committee of theACGME, and the planning committee of the annual PEM fellows conference. In 2006, hereceived the Jim Seidel Distinguished Service Award from the Section on Emergency Medicineof the AAP.
Dr. Jaffe received his AB from Stanford University and his MD from the University ofChicago, Pritzker School of Medicine. He completed his pediatric residency training at theChildren’s Hospital of Philadelphia, where he also trained as the first PEM fellow in the nationand as a Robert Wood Johnson fellow in Academic Pediatrics. Prior to assuming his position atWashington University, Dr. Jaffe held academic positions at Northwestern University,Children’s Memorial Hospital, and was the PEM division head and ED director at the Hospital forSick Children, University of Toronto. Dr. Jaffe will join UCSF after completing 24 years as thedirector of PEM at Washington University in St. Louis.