Pediatric Pandemic Network at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals

UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital

As a hub site of the Pediatric Pandemic Network (PPN), centered at the UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals in San Francisco and Oakland, the UCSF Department of Emergency Medicine is dedicated to enhancing pediatric emergency preparedness, response, and resilience across the United States. Established in 2021 and supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), the PPN currently comprises 10 premier children’s hospitals across the nation.


UCSF’s Role as a Pediatric Pandemic Network Hub Site

At UCSF, our role within the PPN includes a wide range of collaborative initiatives aimed at both everyday readiness and large-scale disaster response for children. Led by Dr. Chris Newton, Executive Principal Investigator (PI) of PPN, Dr. Nicolaus Glomb, UCSF Hub Site PI, and Dr. Brigitte French, UCSF Hub Site Program Manager, and supported by experts from across our department, our team contributes to and leads various focus groups within the PPN. These groups address critical topics in pediatric care, from infectious diseases and climate disasters to mental health and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) threats.


Importance of the Pediatric Pandemic Network for Emergency Preparedness

The PPN goes beyond pandemic preparedness to encompass an "all-hazards" approach, preparing our health care systems and communities for a wide spectrum of emergencies. Through this network, UCSF and its partners work with federal agencies, including the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other national organizations, to ensure that children’s hospitals, community hospitals, and our communities are equipped with best practices, resources, and ongoing support in pediatric care. By fostering an inclusive, health disparity-aware approach, we aim to ensure high-quality, equitable care for all children during times of crisis.


Pediatric Emergency Preparedness Projects at UCSF

Our ongoing efforts through the PPN include several impactful projects to support and strengthen pediatric emergency preparedness:

  • Community Hospital Training & Outreach: Our team provides specialized training for general emergency departments throughout Northern California, including recent work in Ukiah, Sonora, and Santa Rosa. Led by Dr. Shruti Kant and Inder Narula, RN, MSN, FNP, these sessions empower community hospitals to manage pediatric emergencies effectively, even if they are not specifically focused on pediatric care.
  • Community Engagement & Support for Emergency Readiness: Drs. Shruti Kant, Sonny Tat, and Raj Daftary lead efforts to conduct outreach, clinical support, and training for general emergency departments throughout Northern California, ensuring they are prepared to handle pediatric emergencies. This community outreach is essential to building strong, resilient networks capable of responding to both routine and crisis-level pediatric needs. Ongoing work includes a regional needs assessment of community hospitals to identify opportunities for support and collaboration, including telemedicine services, clinical case review, and the development of a regional newsletter for community hospitals. 
  • Infectious Disease Response and Preparedness: The PPN’s infectious disease domain has been instrumental in responding to outbreaks, including monkeypox and respiratory viral surges, offering guidance and resources to health care facilities on how to best manage these cases. Dr. Glomb helps co-lead this domain. 
  • Pediatric Mental Health and Pediatric Triage Refinement: Dr. Nisa Atigapramoj leads efforts at UCSF to integrate the Psychological Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment (PsySTART) program into the Benioff Children’s Hospital emergency departments. She also works collaboratively with the Youth ALIVE! Program, through a partnership at UCSF, to improve the outpatient management of children experiencing trauma. In addition, Dr. Ashley Foster is spearheading a study on pediatric triage, supported by a 2024 PPN research award, and is leading efforts for the PPN Mental Health domain. 
  • Climate Disasters: Drs. French and Hilary Ong lead the Climate Task Force for the PPN, which addresses how climate-related disasters affect our communities and how our hospitals and communities can better prepare and respond to these disasters. 
  • Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Disasters: UCSF team members Drs. Nicolaus Glomb, Kevan McCarten Gibbs, and Irene Navis lead the CBRN disaster domain of PPN, focusing on pediatric Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) preparedness and response efforts for hospitals and communities. Our commitment to disaster preparedness also includes site visits, training programs, and collaborative efforts with the UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals and other clinical partners, further enhancing regional readiness for pediatric emergencies.


Meet Our Pediatric Pandemic Network Team

UCSF's PPN team is comprised of experts from diverse specialties, including climate disaster preparedness, telemedicine, education, and other critical areas:


Christopher Newton


Christopher Newton, MD, FACS, FAAP — Executive Principal Investigator (PI), PPN


Nicolaus Glomb


Nicolaus Glomb, MD, MPH — UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals PPN Site PI; Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Disaster Lead; Infectious Disease Domain Lead


Brigitte French


Brigitte French, CA-PEM, IAEM-CEM, DVM — UCSF PPN Program Manager, Climate Disaster Preparedness Co-Lead


Kevan McCarten-Gibbs


Kevan McCarten Gibbs, MD — UCSF PPN Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Subject Matter Expert


Hilary Ong


Hilary Ong, MD, FAAP — UCSF PPN Climate Disaster Preparedness Co-Lead


Sonny Tat


Sonny Tat, MD, MPH — UCSF PPN Education & Communications Co-Lead


Shruti Kant


Shruti Kant, MBBS — UCSF PPN Education & Communications Co-Lead


Rajesh Daftary


Rajesh Daftary, MD, MPH — Telemedicine Innovations & Community Outreach Subject Matter Expert


Ashley Foster


Ashley Foster, MD — PPN Mental Health Domain Lead


Nisa Atigapramoj


Nisa Atigapramoj, MD — UCSF PPN Mental Health and Triage Lead/Subject Matter Expert, Climate

Together, this dedicated team drives UCSF’s mission to foster strong, resilient pediatric care systems across the nation.