The Irene Perstein Award is awarded each year by the School of Medicine to an outstanding newly recruited junior woman clinician scientist. The recipient of the 2012 award is Dr. Maria Raven, Assistant Clinical Professor, who joined the Department of Emergency Medicine as a faculty researcher in July 2011. She is currently the PI on a research project funded by the Emergency Medicine Foundation to study emergency department payment policies and is participating in an effort funded by the Corporation for Supportive Housing and led by San Francisco Housing and Urban Health and the Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation to provide supportive housing for high cost SFHP members who are homeless. In September 2012, Dr. Raven was awarded funding from AHRQ in collaboration with Stanford, the lead applicant, to define indicators of community-level health (e.g., access to care, health education, behaviors, disease burden) using the ED as a window to the health of a community.