John Brown, MD
Dr. Brown is the Medical Director of the San Francisco Emergency Medical Services Agency, a position he has held since 1996. This position is responsible for the regulation of the prehospital dispatch, first response, ambulance transport and emergency medical care for the City and County of San Francisco. He is also an Associate Clinical Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco Medical School and an Attending Physician at San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center. He is the EMS and Disaster Medicine Associate Fellowship Director for UCSF and a Medical Officer for Disaster Medical Team CA-6, the Bay Area’s volunteer medical team for the National Disaster Medical System. He is a 14 year veteran of the US Navy Medical Corps and during his tenure with the Navy was the Naval Surgeon General’s Advisor for EMS and completed an EMS Fellowship at the University of Arizona. Research interests include evaluation of frequent use of EMS services, special events EMS medicine, LGBT Health Issues education for residents, and development of EMS services in global health.