Michael Bell, MD


Atmospheric reduced nitrogen: Sources, transformations, effects, and management.

Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)

Driscoll C, Milford JB, Henze DK, Bell MD

Updating Normal Organ Weights Using a Large Current Sample Database.

Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine

Bell MD, Long T, Roden AC, Cooper FI, Sanchez H, Trower C, Martinez C, Hooper JE, Autopsy Committee of the College of American Pathologists

Toward the improvement of total nitrogen deposition budgets in the United States.

The Science of the total environment

Walker JT, Beachley G, Amos HM, Baron JS, Bash J, Baumgardner R, Bell MD, Benedict KB, Chen X, Clow DW, Cole A, Coughlin JG, Cruz K, Daly RW, Decina SM, Elliott EM, Fenn ME, Ganzeveld L, Gebhart K, Isil SS, Kerschner BM, Larson RS, Lavery T, Lear GG, Macy T, Mast MA, Mishoe K, Morris KH, Padgett PE, Pouyat RV, Puchalski M, Pye HOT, Rea AW, Rhodes MF, Rogers CM, Saylor R, Scheffe R, Schichtel BA, Schwede DB, Sexstone GA, Sive BC, Sosa Echeverr?a R, Templer PH, Thompson T, Tong D, Wetherbee GA, Whitlow TH, Wu Z, Yu Z, Zhang L

Aspects of uncertainty in total reactive nitrogen deposition estimates for North American critical load applications.

The Science of the total environment

Walker JT, Bell MD, Schwede D, Cole A, Beachley G, Lear G, Wu Z

Environmental change, shifting distributions, and habitat conservation plans: A case study of the California gnatcatcher.

Ecology and evolution

Hulton VanTassel HL, Bell MD, Rotenberry J, Johnson R, Allen MF

Nitrogen-induced terrestrial eutrophication: cascading effects and impacts on ecosystem services.

Ecosphere (Washington, D.C)

Clark CM, Bell MD, Boyd JW, Compton JE, Davidson EA, Davis C, Fenn ME, Geiser L, Jones L, Blett TF

A framework to quantify the strength of ecological links between an environmental stressor and final ecosystem services.

Ecosphere (Washington, D.C)

Bell MD, Phelan J, Blett TF, Landers D, Nahlik AM, Van Houtven G, Davis C, Clark CM, Hewitt J

Sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma metastasizing to the penile shaft.

Canadian Urological Association journal = Journal de l'Association des urologues du Canada

Bell MD, Brimo F, Jung S, Aprikian AG

Prognostic value of urinary cytology and other biomarkers for recurrence and progression in bladder cancer: a prospective study.

World journal of urology

Bell MD, Yafi FA, Brimo F, Steinberg J, Aprikian AG, Tanguay S, Kassouf W

Diagnostic tests in urology: percutaneous biopsy of renal masses.

BJU international

Bell MD, Lavall?e LT, Dahm P, Witiuk K, Breau RH

Unexpected findings in trauma patients dying in the intensive care unit: results of 153 consecutive autopsies.

Journal of the American College of Surgeons

Ong AW, Cohn SM, Cohn KA, Jaramillo DH, Parbhu R, McKenney MG, Barquist ES, Bell MD

Optic nerve damage in shaken baby syndrome: detection by beta-amyloid precursor protein immunohistochemistry.

Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine

Gleckman AM, Evans RJ, Bell MD, Smith TW

Vascular anomaly of the bundle of His associated with sudden death in a young man.

The American journal of forensic medicine and pathology

Bell MD, Tate LG

Sexual asphyxia in siblings.

The American journal of forensic medicine and pathology

Bell MD, Tate LG, Wright RK