Annals of emergency medicine

Barriers and Best Practices for the Use of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Emergency Medicine.

Annals of emergency medicine

Lin MP, Kligler SK, Friedman BW, Kim H, Rising K, Samuels-Kalow M, Eucker SA

In reply.

Annals of emergency medicine

Coralic Z, Olson KR, Chamberlain JM, Overbeek D, Silbergleit R

Extended-Release Naltrexone and Case Management for Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder in the Emergency Department.

Annals of emergency medicine

Murphy CE, Coralic Z, Wang RC, Montoy JCC, Ramirez B, Raven MC

A Quality Framework to Address Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Emergency Department Care.

Annals of emergency medicine

Khidir H, Salhi R, Sabbatini AK, Franks NM, Green A, Richardson LD, Terry A, Vasquez N, Goyal P, Kocher K, Venkatesh AK, Lin MP

Social Risk Factor Documentation in Emergency Departments.

Annals of emergency medicine

Molina MF, Pantell MS, Gottlieb LM

6 Extended-release Naltrexone and Case Management for Treatment of Alcohol Used Disorder in the Emergency Department.

Annals of emergency medicine

C. Murphy, R. Wang, J.C. Montoy, Z. Coralic, B. Ramirez, M. Raven

357 Implementation of a Behavioral Health Paramedic Program for Crisis Navigation.

Annals of emergency medicine

M. Mercer, R. Tsolinas, T. Hong, K. Sporer

202 Drug-Related Arrests Among Frequent Emergency Department Users are Compounded by Housing Status.

Annals of emergency medicine

V. Eswaran, M. Olson, J. Lacoe, S. Paolillo, A. Skog, H. Kanzaria, M. Raven
