Annals of emergency medicine

Patterns of ecstasy-associated hyponatremia in California.

Annals of emergency medicine

Rosenson J, Smollin C, Sporer KA, Blanc P, Olson KR

Patterns of ecstasy-associated hyponatremia in California.

Annals of emergency medicine

Rosenson J, Smollin C, Sporer KA, Blanc P, Olson KR

JCAHO/CMS core measures for community-acquired pneumonia.

Annals of emergency medicine

Fee C, Weber E, Sharpe BA, Nguy M, Quon T, Bookwalter T

JCAHO/CMS core measures for community-acquired pneumonia.

Annals of emergency medicine

Fee C, Weber E, Sharpe BA, Nguy M, Quon T, Bookwalter T

Characteristics of frequent users of emergency departments.

Annals of emergency medicine

Hunt KA, Weber EJ, Showstack JA, Colby DC, Callaham ML
