The western journal of emergency medicine

Evaluating a Novel Simulation Course for Prehospital Provider Resuscitation Training in Botswana.

The western journal of emergency medicine

Kosoko AA, Glomb NW, Laba B, Galapi C, Shah MI, Rus MC, Doughty CB

Assessment of Physician Well-being, Part One: Burnout and Other Negative States.

The western journal of emergency medicine

Lall MD, Gaeta TJ, Chung AS, Dehon E, Malcolm W, Ross A, Way DP, Weichenthal L, Himelfarb NT

Blunt Trauma Abdominal and Pelvic Computed Tomography Has Low Yield for Injuries in More Than One Anatomic Region.

The western journal of emergency medicine

Rodriguez RM, Hawthorne N, Murphy SP, Theus M, Haase D, Chuku C, Wen J

Teaching Methods Utilized During Medical Resuscitations in an Academic Emergency Department.

The western journal of emergency medicine

Weichenthal LA, Ruegner R, Sawtelle S, Campagne D, Ives C, Comes J

Erratum: This Article Corrects: "Trends in Regionalization of Care for ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction".

The western journal of emergency medicine

Hsia RY, Sabbagh S, Sarkar N, Sporer K, Rokos IC, Brown JF, Brindis RG, Guo J, Shen YC

Altered Mental Status: Current Evidence-based Recommendations for Prehospital Care.

The western journal of emergency medicine

Sanello A, Gausche-Hill M, Mulkerin W, Sporer KA, Brown JF, Koenig KL, Rudnick EM, Salvucci AA, Gilbert GH

Variations in Cardiac Arrest Regionalization in California.

The western journal of emergency medicine

Chang BL, Mercer MP, Bosson N, Sporer KA

Identifying Gaps and Launching Resident Wellness Initiatives: The 2017 Resident Wellness Consensus Summit.

The western journal of emergency medicine

Zaver F, Battaglioli N, Denq W, Messman A, Chung A, Lin M, Liu EL

Executive Summary from the 2017 Emergency Medicine Resident Wellness Consensus Summit.

The western journal of emergency medicine

Battaglioli N, Ankel F, Doty CI, Chung A, Lin M

Variations in Cardiac Arrest Regionalization in California.

The western journal of emergency medicine

Chang BL, Mercer MP, Bosson N, Sporer KA
