The western journal of emergency medicine

Chest Pain of Suspected Cardiac Origin: Current Evidence-based Recommendations for Prehospital Care.

The western journal of emergency medicine

Savino PB, Sporer KA, Barger JA, Brown JF, Gilbert GH, Koenig KL, Rudnick EM, Salvucci AA

Chest Pain of Suspected Cardiac Origin: Current Evidence-based Recommendations for Prehospital Care.

The western journal of emergency medicine

Savino PB, Sporer KA, Barger JA, Brown JF, Gilbert GH, Koenig KL, Rudnick EM, Salvucci AA

Pediatric Tape: Accuracy and Medication Delivery in the National Park Service.

The western journal of emergency medicine

Campagne DD, Young M, Wheeler J, Stroh G

Prochlorperazine-Induced Hemidystonia Mimicking Acute Stroke.

The western journal of emergency medicine

Coralic Z, Kim AS, Vinson DR

Prochlorperazine-Induced Hemidystonia Mimicking Acute Stroke.

The western journal of emergency medicine

Coralic Z, Kim AS, Vinson DR

The social media index: measuring the impact of emergency medicine and critical care websites.

The western journal of emergency medicine

Thoma B, Sanders JL, Lin M, Paterson QS, Steeg J, Chan TM

The social media index: measuring the impact of emergency medicine and critical care websites.

The western journal of emergency medicine

Thoma B, Sanders JL, Lin M, Paterson QS, Steeg J, Chan TM

Pilot study of ultrasound-guided corticosteroid hip injections by emergency physicians.

The western journal of emergency medicine

Anderson ES, Hodell E, Mantuani D, Fahimi J, Pampalone I, Nagdev A

Pilot study of ultrasound-guided corticosteroid hip injections by emergency physicians.

The western journal of emergency medicine

Anderson ES, Hodell E, Mantuani D, Fahimi J, Pampalone I, Nagdev A

Gastrointestinal manifestations of hereditary angioedema diagnosed by ultrasound in the emergency department.

The western journal of emergency medicine

Riguzzi C, Losonczy L, Teismann N, Herring AA, Nagdev A
