Sonny Tat, MD, MPH


Associate Clinical Professor
Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Benioff Children's Hospital, San Francisco
San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center


2018 AEM Consensus Conference: Advancing PEM Education through Research & Scholarship.

Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine

Klig JE, Fang A, Fox SM, Hom J, Strobel A, Tat S, Wall JJ, Bhat R, Weinberg E, Deninghoff KR, Ishmine P, Kou M

The Utility of Bedside Lung Ultrasound Findings in Bronchiolitis.

Pediatric emergency care

Cohen JS, Hughes N, Tat S, Chamberlain JM, Teach SJ, Boniface K

PEMNetwork: Barriers and Enablers to Collaboration and Multimedia Education in the Digital Age.

Pediatric emergency care

Lumba-Brown A, Tat S, Auerbach MA, Kessler DO, Alletag M, Grover P, Schnadower D, Macias CG, Chang TP

Imaging, clearance, and controversies in pediatric cervical spine trauma.

Pediatric emergency care

Tat ST, Mejia MJ, Freishtat RJ