EMS & Disaster Medicine Fellowship

Marine Unit

The UCSF Department of Emergency Medicine offers one and two year fellowships in EMS and Disaster Medicine for emergency medicine residency trained physicians.  The program provides training and education in all aspects of EMS and Disaster Medicine including administration, medical oversight, research, teaching, and clinical components.  Duties of the EMS & Disaster Medicine fellow include clinical responsibilities at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital (ZSFG), a Level 1 Trauma Center, as well as the management of specific urban disaster projects through the San Francisco and Alameda County EMS Agencies. 

The EMS & Disaster Medicine section is embedded in the Department of Emergency Medicine with medical student electives in EMS & Disaster Medicine, EM residents with an Area of Distinction in EMS, as well as several areas of active clinical research.  The faculty is involved in the oversight and administration of the EMS system for the City and County of San Francisco as well as Alameda and San Mateo counties.  Our fellowship has ACGME accreditation in EMS Medicine.


The Department of Emergency Medicine at UCSF in collaboration with the San Francisco EMS Agency hosts a fellowship in Emergency Medical Services & Disaster Medicine for emergency medicine physicians.

The first year of the program (or one-year) is the ACGME year. The second year of the two-year program is non-ACGME and allows the fellows to do a deep-dive into an area of interest. Additionally, two-year fellows would be expected to pursue an advanced degree: Masters of Public Health (UC Berkeley), Masters of Public Administration (University of San Francisco), Masters of Science in Clinical Research (UCSF), or Advanced Training in Clinical Research Certificate program (UCSF).

The fellowship program provides training and education in all aspects of EMS including administration, research, medical oversight, teaching, and prehospital clinical care. The fellowship is tailored toward academic and operational EMS and a graduate will be uniquely prepared for a career in academic EMS and/or medical direction for a regional EMS system.

  • One-year or two-year fellowship
  • Masters degree or equivalent is required for a two-year fellowship
  • Clinical duties at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital ED, a Level 1 Trauma Center
  • Disaster planning experience with SF Emergency Medical Services Agency


  • Understand and master the public administration of EMS Systems at the local, regional, state, national, and international level
  • Perform curriculum development, instruction, and evaluation of EMS provider education at all levels
  • Lead the medical preparation for, and if appropriate, response to major disasters
  • Master EMS research methodology and evaluation
  • Perform competent EMS quality improvement
  • Be eligible to sit for the EMS Medicine board exam at the conclusion of the fellowship program