Featured image: UCSF Department of Emergency Medicine residents enjoying dinner together during the week of the conference.
The Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, had strong representation at the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP's) 2024 Scientific Assembly, held in Las Vegas, Nevada, from September 29 to October 2. Members of our department gave 13 presentations on a wide range of topics in emergency medicine, including leadership and age-friendly care (full list below). Most of these speaking engagements were included in the 2024 conference program as continuing medical education (CME) courses.
At the conference, Robert Rodriguez, MD, vice chair for Clinical Research and professor of Emergency Medicine, was presented with the 2024 Award for Outstanding Contribution in Research. This prestigious award is given annually to an ACEP member who “has made a significant contribution to research in emergency medicine." Dr. Rodriguez's efforts to improve emergency health care delivery — especially for underserved populations — through the high-impact, pragmatic research that he has led over the course of his 30-year-plus career in emergency medicine prompted his selection as the 2024 awardee.
Steven Bin, MD, FACEP, professor of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, was the recipient of a 2024 National Emergency Excellence in Bedside Teaching Award. This ACEP award honors "an outstanding emergency physician medical educator who demonstrates superior clinical teaching and is regarded by residents, medical students, and graduates as a master clinician educator who has profoundly influenced their clinical practice."
Jacqueline Nemer, MD, FACEP, professor of Emergency Medicine, was the recipient of a 2024 National Emergency Medicine Faculty Teaching Award, which recognizes "an outstanding educator who demonstrates superior clinical teaching."
DEM Presentations at ACEP24
Saturday, September 28
Immersive Education Course: The Dementia Friendly Emergency Department: From Vision to Reality
Presenters: Nida Degesys, Jim Hardy
Sunday, September 29
Atrial Fibrillation 2024: Case-Based Controversies
Presenters: Jeffrey Tabas, Tarlan Hedayati, Megan Fix
Monday, September 30
Leadership Lessons: Making an Impact Throughout Your Career
Presenter: Christopher Colwell
EMS Track
Presenter: Christopher Colwell
Dr. Colwell gave the following presentations under the EMS Track:
- Advances in Managing the Drama of Trauma – Lowering the Boom on Boomer Injury: What Defines Geriatric Trauma and How Different Should Elderly Care Be?
- Heads-Up on Neuroprotective Management of Cardiac Arrest – Overcoming the Physiological Limitations of Traditional CPR: What Are the Larger Implications of the Heads-Up CPR Studies?
- The EMS – ED Interface: Economics, Risks, and Wake-Up Calls – Gone – But Soon Not To Be Too Forgotten: What’s the Concern When Critical EMS Findings Seem Resolved by ED Arrival?
Literature Review: Trauma 2024
Presenter: Christopher Colwell
What I Learned in My First Year As a Department Leader
Presenter: Nida Degesys
The Agitated Trauma Patient
DEM author: Christopher Colwell
Tuesday, October 1
Legal Considerations in Miscarriage Management
Presenter: Emily Ager
Longitudinal Impact of an Emergency Medicine Summer Fellowship for Underrepresented Medical Students (Research Forum Plenary Abstract)
Presenters: Leo Garcia, Nicole Hohenstein
Clear as Mud: C-Spine Clearance for all Ages
Presenter: Dina Wallin
Practical Tips in Geriatric Pharmacology
Presenter: Nida Degesys