Ashkon Shaahinfar, MD, MPH


Reliability of Physician Estimation of Pelvic Free Fluid Volume on the Pediatric Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma.

Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine

Shaahinfar A, Wiebelhaus JR, Addo N, Cohen RA, Karakas-Rothey P, Kornblith AE

Evaluation of Focused Assessment With Sonography for Trauma Completeness of Children in the Clinical Setting.

Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine

Firnberg M, Addo N, Lin-Martore M, Shaahinfar A, Kornblith A

Variability in firearm injury among major pediatric trauma centers across the USA.

Trauma surgery & acute care open

Fraser Doh K, Chaudhary S, Ruest SM, Shaahinfar A, Chun T, Cooper N, Fein J, Feng A, Feske-Kirby K, Figueroa J, Gutman CK, Grupp-Phelan J, Kanaan G, Keathley N, Khan N, McGlamry K, Myers S, Nance M, Russell K, Rowker K, Sheline E, Simon HK, Morris CR

Toxic Exposures Among Young Children One Year into the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Retrospective Review of Three San Francisco Bay Area Emergency Departments.

The Journal of emergency medicine

Devlin G, Addo N, Shaahinfar A, Chen CC, Grupp-Phelan J, Kornblith AE

Development of a Consensus-Based Definition of Focused Assessment With Sonography for Trauma in Children.

JAMA network open

Kornblith AE, Addo N, Plasencia M, Shaahinfar A, Lin-Martore M, Sabbineni N, Gold D, Bellman L, Berant R, Bergmann KR, Brenkert TE, Chen A, Constantine E, Deanehan JK, Dessie A, Elkhunovich M, Fischer J, Gravel CA, Kharasch S, Kwan CW, Lam SHF, Neal JT, Pade KH, Rempell R, Shefrin AE, Sivitz A, Snelling PJ, Tessaro MO, White W

The unmet demand for point-of-care ultrasound among general pediatricians: a cross-sectional survey.

BMC medical education

McGinness A, Lin-Martore M, Addo N, Shaahinfar A

Procedural Applications of Point-of-Care Ultrasound in Pediatric Emergency Medicine.

Emergency medicine clinics of North America

Shaahinfar A, Ghazi-Askar ZM

Young Child With Seizure.

Annals of emergency medicine

Watkins K, Gelber J, Kaushik N, Shaahinfar A

A Multi-institutional Case Series With Review of Point-of-Care Ultrasound to Diagnose Malrotation and Midgut Volvulus in the Pediatric Emergency Department.

Pediatric emergency care

Garcia AM, Asad I, Tessaro MO, Sivitz A, Osborn K, Shaahinfar A, Leung SK, Rowe E, Riera A

Long-term mortality in pediatric firearm assault survivors: a multi-center, retrospective, comparative cohort study.

Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine

Shaahinfar A, Yen IH, Alter HJ, Gildengorin G, Pan SJ, Betts JM, Fahimi J

New directions in point-of-care ultrasound at the crossroads of paediatric emergency and critical care.

Current opinion in pediatrics

Bortcosh W, Shaahinfar A, Sojar S, Klig JE

Update on abusive head trauma.

Current opinion in pediatrics

Shaahinfar A, Whitelaw KD, Mansour KM

Measuring bioimpedance in the human uterine cervix: towards early detection of preterm labor.

Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference

Hoe YS, Gurewitsch ED, Shaahinfar A, Hu ES, Sampattavanich S, Ruffner M, Ching KH, Allen RH