Christopher Sweat, MD, BS


Christopher N. Sweat, MD
Assistant Clinical Professor of Emergency Medicine, UCSF
Division of Medical Toxicology, UCSF Fresno

Christopher Sweat is a board-certified Emergency Physician and Medical Toxicologist. He completed his medical degree at the University of Texas McGovern School of Medicine in Houston, TX. After two years of training in General Surgery at the University of Washington, Dr. Sweat completed a residency in Emergency Medicine at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, Florida, followed by a fellowship in Medical Toxicology at Regions Hospital and the Minnesota Poison Control System.

Dr. Sweat serves as core faculty in Emergency Medicine and is a consulting Toxicologist at Community Regional Medical Center in Fresno, CA, with a focus on critical care toxicology and the treatment of acute drug overdoses and envenomations.


2021 North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology

Equine Pergolide Exposure in Toddler Resulting in Hospitalization

Brandt RD, Sweat CN, Lee SC, Carlson B, Lange R, Cole JB

2021 North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology

Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: Rescue therapy in pediatric bupropion cardiotoxicity

Olives T, Sweat CN, Brandt R, Dorsey-Spitz L, Bahadori-Esfahani F, Arens A, Cole J, Somani A

2021 Annual Scientific Meeting of the American College of Medical Toxicologist

Acute Renal Failure from Ingestion of Wood Bleach Intended for Use as a Miticide in Beekeeping

Sweat CN, Oakland CL, Brandt RD, Cole JB

2021 Annual Scientific Meeting of the American College of Medical Toxicologist

Successful Treatment of Vasopressor and High-Dose Insulin Resistant Shock from Poly-Drug Cardiotoxic Overdose with Methylene Blue, Angiotensin II, and ECMO

Sweat CN, Ulici A, Oakland CL, Cole JB

2021 Annual Scientific Meeting of the American College of Medical Toxicologist

Ingestion of Naturopathic Wart Removal Agent in Infant Resulting in Hematemesis and Shock

Sweat CN, Ulici A, Olives TD

North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology 2020

A 24 hour observation time is hard to swallow: Evidence for 8 hours of observation of methamphetamine stuffers

Arens AM, Lee SC, Pueringer RC, Sweat CN, Corcoran J, Knack S, Cole J, Olives T

Journal of Medical Toxicology

Articles You Might Have Missed

Corcoran JN, Pueringer RC, Sweat CN, Stellpflug SJ

Florida Academy of Academic Emergency Medicine, 7th Annual Scientific Assembly

"Eyes on the Kidneys" - A case of reversible drug-induced neurotoxicity secondary to 10-fold acyclovir dosing error in a patient with ESRD on dialysis.

Sweat C, Freeman C