Emergency Medicine residency training goes beyond taking excellent care of individual patients. It is also about mentorship in innovation, leadership and research.
We have instituted the concept of Areas of Distinction (AOD) for our EM residents to help you develop a specific area of expertise. At the end of your internship year, residents rank their AOD choices. Based on your academic niche selection, faculty members are paired with residents for more directed, one-on-one mentorship. The AOD structure provides longitudinal mentorship and a personalized curriculum. During the R2 year, residents develop AOD scholarly projects, establish a mentorship team, and apply for IRB approval (if indicated). Residents will conduct the majority of their AOD scholarly projects during their R3 and R4 years. At the end of the R4 year, EM residents present their AOD scholarly projects at the Annual Resident Research Day.
The AOD program targets leadership, expertise, and vision and is an added benefit of our four-year residency program.
AOD options include the following (click to view scholarly projects by resident and year of graduation with PubMed or MedEdPortal links where appropriate):
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) & Disaster Medicine
Chang B (2018) | Variations in Cardiac Arrest Regionalization in California |
Hawthorne (2017) |
Schegg (2016) |
Frequency of bystander presence during EMS administration of naloxone for suspected opiate overdose |
Kivlehan (2015) |
Orthopedic injuries chapter in Prehospital Medicine: Clinical Practice and Systems Oversight (editors Drs. Jane Brice, David Cone, Ted Delbridge and Brent Myers), published by the National Association of EMS Physicians |
Resler (2015) |
Prehospital teleconsultation for stroke recognition (TELE-EMS) |
Berger (2014) |
Development of a prehospital trauma care curriculum for the Emergency Medical Association of Tanzania |
Snyder (Desouza) (2014) |
EMS education: introducing and instituting a new hypothermia protocol for post cardiac arrest patients in San Francisco County |
Farzan (2014) |
Survey of EMS providers regarding knowledge of human trafficking and attitudes towards acting as intelligence sensors |
Kuzma (2014) |
The Tanzanian prehospital care experience from the patient's perspective |
Hall (2013) |
Miss (Wilderness Medicine - 2012) |
Injury patterns to Golden Gate National Recreational Area visitors |
Singh (2012) |
Development of a curriculum to educate prehospital providers on a standard approach to psychiatric emergencies |
Wilson (2012) |
Survey of DMAT personnel r.e.ULS use by DMAT teams |
Global Health
Hippen (2012) |
Qualitative interviews to evaluate trauma data collection in Congo |
Social Emergency Medicine (formerly Health & Society)
Chang J (2018) | Implementation of novel educational adjuncts for the World Health Organization Basic Emergency Care Course is feasible and may improve learning |
Fuller (2018) | Rapid cycle deliberate practice: introducing a novel simulation-based training technique to junior emergency medicine residents |
Straube (2018) | Implementation of novel educational adjuncts for the World Health Organization Basic Emergency Care Course is feasible and may improve learning |
Carney (2017) |
Introduction of a residency wellness training curriculum |
Nichols (2017) |
Developing a mobile application primary survey pathway as an adjunct to the basic emergency care course of the World Health Organization |
Rose (2017) |
Developing a mobile application primary survey pathway as an adjunct to the basic emergency care course of the World Health Organization |
Dove-Maguire (2016) |
Palliative care in the ED: A framework for goals-of-care discussions in high acuity settings |
Namperumal (2016) |
Academic emergency department code stroke activation: current outcomes, resident comfort with stroke care, and implications for treatment in the community |
Ritzenberg (2016) |
Audio recorded patient interviews (Discharge to self radio piece) |
Falk (2015) |
Overuse of emergency health care services in the United States |
Ravikumar (2014) |
Do ED closures have an effect on out-of-hospital mortality? |
Soskin (2014) |
Social Work as SBIRT Instructor to Emergency Medicine Residents |
Allred (2013) |
Video education piece regarding work-life balance, fatigue mitigation, etc. |
Freeman (2013) |
Curriculum development for informing adolescents r.e. EtOH/substance use (ER Talks) |
Brim (2012) |
NHAMCS data analysis to determine rate of inhaled corticosteroid prescriptions for pediatric asthma visits |
Kanzaria (2012) |
Medical Education
Daniel (2018) | Development of a boot camp curriculum for 4th year medical students who have matched in emergency medicine |
Degesys (2018) | Gender bias in feedback |
Sudario (2018) | PECARN pediatric head trauma: development of a visual decision aid for clinicians |
Sills (2017) |
Developing a video library of airway management techniques to augment an airway curriculum |
Sullivan (2017) |
ED-focused diagnostic and management strategies of right-sided heart failure patients |
Graglia (2016) |
The efficacy of a transvaginal pelvic ultrasound simulation-based module to improve emergency medicine residents' comfort in performing transvaginal pelvic ultrasound |
Silverio (2016) |
Acetaminophen: evaluation of a theoretical window |
Sooriyakumaran (2016) |
The effect of saline infusion on enabling use of unembalmed cadavers as ultrasound-guided central venous catheterization training modules |
Ritzenberg (2016) |
Audio recorded patient interviews (Discharge to self radio piece) |
Fischette (2015) |
Educational module for use of ultrasound in the emergency department for the diagnosis of pediatric appendicitis and intussusception |
Villalon (2014) |
Evaluation of an ultrasound-guided nerve block curriculum for resident physicians |
Wallin (2014) |
Feasibility of patient-initiated feedback to inform on resident performance on ED wound closure |
Juarez (2013) |
Online pediatric emergency medicine curriculum |
Brown (2012) |
Silman (2012) |
Ultrasound-guided peripheral venous cannulation for ED nurses |
Medical Toxicology
Goodnough (2017) |
Safety and Efficacy of Physostigmine in Anticholinergic Poisoning: A 10 year Retrospective Review of California Poison Control Cases |
Li (2016) |
Kwan (2015) |
Small group cases on Professionalism for Residency Conference |
Levin (2015) |
Emergency Physician Adherence to Boxed Warnings of Commonly Prescribed Medications |
Wilson (2015) |
Repplinger (2014) |
A novel quantitative serum drug of abuse screen compared to urine drug screen in ED patients presenting with altered mental status. |
Vo (2014) |
Schaaf (Gertler) (2013) |
Bilotti (2012) |
Survey of EM program directors/PEM fellowship directors as self-assessment of tox education curriculum, resources, etc. |
Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Ray (Thapar) (2018) | Development of an online BRUE pathway |
Foster (2017) |
Huang (2018) | Do poor neighborhoods have slower EMS response times |
Murphy (2018) | Association between rib fractures and great vessel injury seen on CT vs x-ray |
Fu (2017) |
Prognostic Value of ST-depression in EKG lead aVL in patients with Inferior ST-segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction |
Beylin (2016) |
Implementation of an electronic decision support for CT chest angiography to evaluate for pulmonary embolism |
Montoy (2016) |
Lanning (2015) |
A Narrowed Decision Instrument for Selective Chest Radiography in Blunt Trauma |
Villar (2015) |
Kievlan (2014) |
Chung-Esaki (2013) |
Validation of a prediction tool for endocarditis in injection drug users with fever |
Mongelluzzo (2013) |
Kea (2012) |
Canseco (2018) | Diagnosis of alveolar interstitial syndrome and pneumothorax with ultrasound (learning module) |
Thomas (2018) | Description of ultrasound-guided IV insertion techniques |
Barker (2017) |
A case series on the use of ultrasound for the diagnosis of SBO and bowel perforation in Tanzania |
Murphy (2017) |
Nerve block Medical Education Portal |
Tcheng (2017) |
Cross-sectional survey of attitudes and beliefs regarding ultrasound training in a single undergraduate medical curriculum |
Amin (2016) |
Current state of EM POCUS in academic hospitals |
Romero (2016) |
Bedside Ultrasound in Internal Medicine: Needs assessment and training program design at UCSF |
Bisinger (2015) |
Chalwell (Wooley) (2015) |
Evaluation of a resident curriculum for the focused cardiac ultrasound |
Maldonado (2015) |
Point of care ultrasound to measure carotid intima media thickness |
Hensley (2014) |
Can the finding of gestational sac by emergency physicians exclude ectopic pregnancy in symptomatic 1st trimester pregnant patients? |
Shepherd (2014) |
A comparison of point-of-care ultrasound techniques to determine optic nerve sheath diameter and optic disk height |
Berona (2013) |
Oblique ULS view for CVC in models to evaluate posterior wall puncture rate |
Flores (2013) |
Ectopic ULS project in Tanzania (updated to: Systematic review of ectopic pregnancy in sub-saharan Africa |
Kornblith (2013) | |
Lenaghan (2012) | |
Salmon (2012) |
Investigation of the therapeutic impact of ULS-guided nerve blocks on pain management during orthopedic procedures in Sub-Saharan Africa |