California Substance Use Line (CASUL)
Received funding from the California State Opioid Response (SOR) grants to leverage the poison control system as a 24/7 resource for front-line clinicians managing substance use disorders in the Emergency Department.
Drug Overdose Toxico-surveillance (DOTS)
One of 17 participating sites in the United States receiving FDA funding to report on trends in overdose presenting to the Emergency Department.
Real-World Examination of Naloxone for Drug Overdose Reversal (RENDOR)
One of four sites in the United States receiving FDA funding to further understand community-administered naloxone, including naloxone administered by community members, bystanders, and first responders.
Project FRIEND Connect
A five-year project funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to provide contingency management and patient navigation to San Francisco residents on buprenorphine who struggle to stay in treatment for their opioid use disorder.
Use of Weighted Blankets to Improve Outcomes in Emergency Department Patients Experiencing Opioid Withdrawal
A quality improvement project funded by the Zuckerberg San Francisco General (ZSFG) Clinical Practice Group to evaluate the effect of weighted blankets as an adjunct to usual treatment in patients presenting with opioid withdrawal to the Emergency Department.
Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital Emergency Department Alternatives to Opioids (ZSFG ED-ALT)
Funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), ZSFG ED-ALT is a three-year project to promote non-opioid therapies in the treatment of the top five painful conditions presenting to the ZSFG Emergency Department (ED). The grant also funds a full-time ED substance use navigator.