California Poison Control System - San Francisco Division
California Poison Control System - San Francisco Division
Quarterly Bedside Teaching Award
Quarterly Bedside Teaching Award
Quarterly Bedside Teaching Award
Pediatrics Resident Faculty Teaching Award
Dr. Steven Bin, Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine, was awarded the Faculty Teaching Award by the pediatric residents at their 2015 graduation ceremony.
TICR Program Award
Dr. Ralph Wang, Associate Clinical Professor of Emergency Medicine, received the UCSF Training in Clinical Research (TICR) Program Award for Excellence in Teaching the Methods of Clinical Research.
Dr. Andrea Tenner Returns from Sierra Leone
Dr. Andi Tenner, Assistant Clinical Professor of Emergency Medicine, spent almost three months in Sierra Leone working with the International Rescue Committee in the fight against Ebola.
Professor Renee Y. Hsia
Dr. Renee Y. Hsia has been named Professor, Ladder Rank, in the Department of Emergency Medicine (DEM) at the University of California San Francisco.
Quarterly Bedside Teaching Award
Dr. Steven Bin (pictured at left) and Dr. Heather Mahoney received the 2014-2015 2nd Quarter Bedside Teaching Award from EM residents.