San Francisco & Oakland Faculty

Physician photo

Naomi Abe, MD

Associate Clinical Professor

Riham Alwan, MD, MPH

Assistant Clinical Professor

Nancy Anaya, MD

HS Clinical Instructor

Nisa Atigapramoj, MD

Associate Clinical Professor

Peter Baker, MD

HS Clinical Professor

Michael Bell, MD

HS Clinical Professor

Steven Bin, MD

HS Clinical Professor
Allison Boyd

Allison Boyd, MD

Assistant Clnical Professor

Carol Chen, MD, MPH

Associate Clinical Professor

Esther H. Chen, MD


Theresa Cheng, MD

Assistant Clinical Professor

Rachel Chin, MD

No headshot on file for Dr. Chou

Shih-Chuan Chou, MD, MPH

Assistant Clinical Professor

Christopher Colwell, MD

Professor of Emergency Medicin

Rajesh Daftary, MD, MPH

Associate Clinical Professor

Rosny Daniel, MD

Assistant Clinical Professor

Nida Degesys, MD

Assistant Clinical Professor

Kayla Enriquez, MD, MPH

Associate Clinical Professor

Chris Fee, MD

Prof of Clinical Emergency Med
Physician photo

Maytal Firnberg, MD

Assistant Clinical Professor

Ashley Foster

Assistant Clinical Professor

Kavita Gandhi, MD, PhD


Alan Gelb, MD

Clinical Professor

Nicolaus Glomb, MD, MPH

Associate Clinical Professor

Sally Graglia, MD, MPH

Associate Clincal Professor

Joseph Graterol, MD

Assistant Clinical Professor

Israel Green-Hopkins, MD

Associate Clinical Professor

Jacqueline Grupp-Phelan, MD, MPH

Chief, Pediatric Emergency Med

James Hardy, MD

Associate Clinical Professor

Aaron Harries, MD

Associate Clinical Professor

Lisa Hart, MD


Anneka Hooft

Assistant Clinical Professor

Eric Isaacs, MD

Clinical Professor
Physician photo

Noopur Jain

Associate Physician

Alan Johnson

HS Clinical Professor

Marianne Juarez, MD

Associate Clinical Professor

Shruti Kant, MBBS

Full Clinical Professor

Hemal Kanzaria, MD


Starr Knight, MD

Clinical Professor

Aaron Kornblith, MD

Associate Clinical Professor

Elizabeth Kwan, MD

Associate Clinical Professor

Jeremy Lacocque, DO

Attending Physician

Nel Latronica, MD

Associate Clinical Professor

Sara Leibovich, MD

Associate Clinical Professor

Kathy Lesaint, MD

Associate Clinical Professor

Margaret Lin-Martore, MD

Associate Clinical Professor

Zhanna Livshits, MD

Clinical Professor

Mimi Lu

Associate Clinical Professor

Debbie Madhok, MD

Associate Clinical Professor

Karim Mansour, MD

HS Clinical Professor

Kevan Mccarten-Gibbs, MD

HS Clinical Professor

Mary Mercer, MD, MPH

Associate Clinical Professor

Melanie Molina, MD, MAS

Assistant Clinical Professor

Jillian Mongelluzzo, MD

Associate Clinical Professor

Juan Carlos Montoy, MD, PhD

Associate Clinical Professor

James Naprawa

HS Clinical Professor

Jacqueline Nemer, MD

Clinical Professor

Mahnoosh Nik-Ahd

Assistant Clinical Professor

Jeanne Noble, MD

Associate Clinical Professor

Hilary Ong

Assistant Clinical Professor

Sima Patel, MD

Associate Clinical Professor

Christopher Peabody, MD, MPH

Assistant Clinical Professor

Steven K. Polevoi, MD

Clinical Professor

Evelyn Porter, MD, MS

Clinical Professor

Maria Raven, MD, MPH, MS

Professor, EM

Emily Roben

Associate Clinical Professor

Efrat Rosenthal, MD

HS Asst Clinical Professor

Augusta Saulys, MD

HS Clinical Professor

Ashkon Shaahinfar, MD

Physician photo

Daniel Shapiro, MD, MPH

Assistant Clinical Professor

Guy Shochat, MD

Clinical Professor

Eric Silverman, MD, MPH

Assistant Clinical Professor

Malini Singh, MD, MPH, MBA

Clinical Professor

Craig Smollin, MD

Clinical Professor

Peter Sokolove, MD

Professor and Chair
Physician photo

Steven Straube, MD

Attending Physician

Jeffrey Tabas, MD


Sonny Tat, MD, MPH

Associate Clinical Professor

Dina Wallin, MD

Associate Clinical Professor
Physician photo

Kenshata Watkins, MD

Assistant Clinical Proffesor

Heidi Werner, MD

HS Clinical Professor

William Whetstone, MD

Clinical Professor

Kevin Whitelaw, MD


Clement Yeh, MD

Clinical Professor